Touring Bolts Head Office!

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I WENT TO BOLT HEAD OFFICE! That is one of the coolest things I have ever done and for this amazing opportunity I want to thank Mathis Bogens. 

Bolt is a company who’s culture I have long looked up to, they have fun and they work hard to deliver exactly what is needed in the market. This not only can be seen through their media, success and products but also through their people and their office. From allowing dogs into offices, having café style sitting areas with ping pong amongst other games to having a sauna and a communal garden, Bolt encourages people to come to office for the community and not because of a salary. Of course people should be going to the office to take meetings and to do their jobs but in most offices I have been to it is just mandatory and people aren’t excited about it. That’s why I loved Bolt’s office, they actually encourage people to come rather than just forcing them. This is an example I think a lot of businesses should learn from and is definitely a step towards our future.

What I found eye-opening was how integrated Bolts community was into the employees daily life. The first floor had a massive kitchen, with café style seating where people were eating, chatting, working, playing, you name it. The interior design fostered communication and connection with communal swings, cool statues and posters, games and shared food. Every level above that had office spaces with desks, of course, but it also had a open layout where people could talk to each other rather than being confined in small office cubicles walls separating every smiling face (like a lot of offices are portrayed in movies and pictures and so on). There were loads of meeting rooms (and there were loads of connections to Bolts branding from fonts used on walls to illustrations and naming of offices by cities, as a designer I found that so cool! Whoever designed this office space, amazing job! One day I hope to meet you.) and some quite pods where you could work by yourself, there were also more café style work areas and of course the balcony with seating areas and a communal garden where people had grown tomatoes and I found a cornflower! As a garden enthusiast I loved it! It is in Estonia, Tallinn so of course they have a sauna and showers.

Mathis told me that they have clubs like the boardgame club, a football club and more! Furthermore they have parties almost every Friday evening which just sounds like the perfect way to end a busy week and start a relaxing weekend. They have an internal joke that the average age of the employee is the same age as the CEO, which I found quite funny and agreeable as culture does start from the very top. After the whole tour we sat down and talked for a while about education and futures and then I headed off with SO many Bolt stickers! I will definitely be using those to decorate my notebooks and bottles as I start my school year tehehe. Thank you again to Mathis Bogens for this amazing opportunity and I hope to meet you again one day!

As always, stick around to read about more of my adventures 🙂 !

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