Memory Walls

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This is a guide on how to make what I like to call a memory wall. Its a collage of photos and tangible items from the year, after every year it feels very gratifying to see everything you have done all in one place. This is just a small habit I like to keep up as a reflection when I am feeling down and motivation to do more. I am not sure if this will help anyone but I figured I might as well share this cool little thing in case it is of use to someone out there :). If any of you do end up using this idea feel free to send me pictures of your memory walls, I would absolutely LOVE to see them!

Step one: Take a few things from last year like birthday postcards or memorabilia from events, stickers and such. It does not specifically have to be from the year before it is just something aesthetic to put up to start your year off. 

Step two: pin them to the centre of your board in a way that you like. I like to make it super chaotic and group things by colour and style, I also do not like the board showing through in between the objects. 

Step three: When you go out to events, new places and such, pick up a postcard or something somewhat flat and bring it back to your wall to hang it up. 

Step four: Look back on your year and marvel at all the cool things you have done! 

Here are some examples of my walls. I go by the academic year for this (dictated by the fact I moved in September every year and moved out in June). I should also mention you really do not stick to the January 1st to December 31st calendar year for this, just do it for any time period that is suitable for you. 




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