Branding and Strategy (University Course)

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Here is the brief I was given: To design two brands for a neighbourhood in Leicester city.

This is my final product: 

Brand 1: The Red Peacock

Mood board:

The logo:

Two posters:

The posters in a real world setting:

Animation asset:

Interactive pattern: A box that would be stationed around the city where passer-by can write Cultural Quarter on a designated piece of paper, slip it through a hole at the top of the box which would scan the paper and then immediately shred it. The excess shredded paper would be used to make more of the paper for people to right on. The scanned writings of the name “Cultural Quarter” would be incorporated into the plaid pattern and used for promotional material.

Brand 2: Lets connect our past to our future!

The logo:

The posters:

The posters modelled in real life:

The animation:

The sculptures:

The slides from the 15 minute pitch for the two brands:

The process document: